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Teacher Bios
Class Descriptions Session 1 • May 15-18, 2009

Class descriptions: Session 1Session 2 Session 3

Caren Catterall

1. Gardening by the Moon all levels
Lunar gardening is a perfect compliment to organic gardening techniques and natural cycles of life. It is one more refinement that will help you get more out of your garden, whether you are a beginning or experienced gardener. We will discuss the age old practice and benefits of gardening by the moon. Looking at the influences of both the phase and astrological sign of the moon, we will discuss the appropriate activities for each time. You will learn how to calculate for your self the best times for planting. This method is based on the work of Louise Riotte, who wrote Astrological Gardening, and uses the geocentric, tropical zodiac to calculate the signs of the moon.

2. Printing from Nature, part 1 all levels
Drawing our inspiration from the designs of nature found in plant leaves and flowers, fruits and vegetables, feathers and shells we will use printmaking techniques to create pictures, greeting cards, stationary, bookmarks, and plant journal pages. We will use two sessions to have plenty of time for creative activities.

3. Printing with Nature, part 2, all levels
We will continue.

Max Dashu

1. Suppressed Histories Archives
Herbal Traditions of Pagan Europe, all levels

Pluck will I the fairy wort with expectation
from the fairy bower to overcome every oppression
As long as it be fairy wort Fairy wort,
fairy wort I envy the one who has thee
There is nothing the sun encircles
But is to her a sure victory.
—Gaelic herb charm in the Carmina Gadelica

We'll go into the lore, chants, and rituals of sacred plants, including Mugwort, Elder, Mandrake, Rue, Yarrow, and the daturas. Wyrtgaelstre: herb-chanters and "charmers." The Nine Herbs Charm of the Saxons. Knotted cords, curing stones, south-running waters, and other ways of the healing witches. Goddess connections of plants and trees in Celtic, Italian, Germanic, and Slavic traditions.

2. Woman Shaman, a slideshow, all levels
Woman is by nature a shaman, says a Chukchee proverb from Siberia, and many world traditions say that the first shaman was female. Max shares her slideshow on female shamanic traditions worldwide, from ancient times to the present: women as drummers, dreamers, and diviners, medicine women, seers, oracles, ecstatic dancers, shapeshifters, and spirit-flyers. This is a chance to taste primordial wisdom and to water your visionary dreamscape with long-obscured riches.

3. Healing the Female:
Undoing the Cultural Spells of Domination, all levels

We live in a society that degrades and violates women and girls, and are reclaiming our wildness, our natural potency. We'll explore incantation, movement, and sounding to release toxic energies trapped in our bodies and open the flow so that we resound with shakti. (No experience necessary! just simple and deep.) Sacramental dance and chant are ways of accessing deep wisdom, healing old wounds, and restoring balance.

Rupam Henry, RDA, HHC

1. Holistic Dental Health, part 1
Learn how to be: Cavity free for life!
Heal gum disease from the inside out!
Take care of the dental work you receive!
This workshop will cover nutrition, food-based supplements, herbs, alkaline-acid balance, the digestive system and the importance of the immune system in relationship to the health of the mouth. We also will discuss materials and procedures used in the dental office and how to determine what is appropriate for you. Please bring your toothbrush and x-rays (optional)

2. Holistic Dental Health, part 2
We will continue.

3. The Nervous System and Its Link to “Inner Work”, all levels
This class is an introduction into the physical and “cellular” nervous system especially in relationship to healing trauma, addiction and habitual ways of coping that no longer serve us. We will cover herbs to strengthen the physical nervous system as well as using flower essences to shift and release the underlying trauma held in the “cellular” nervous system. Use and learn to trust your intuitive, no-mind diagnostic skills: Meditations, writing, the use of the I-Ching/pendulum and other intuitive tools will be included in this adventure to our most inner core.

Maya Karasso

1. The Garden of the Soul: Divine Bellydancing
The gate is opening; the ancient mother is calling us to gather in the sacred garden of our soul. Understanding Earth and the secrets that lie within her involves mastering the riddles inside yourself, especially the portion that are hidden in the roots of your subconscious self. In this workshop we will activate a deep memories how to enter to the garden/living library understanding the power of visualization and sacred movement as a key to unlock our divine purpose. Once we enter into the garden we know our unlimited potential, strength and wisdom. We are guided to use our intuition by listening, touching smelling, feeling, being one with the source. We remember the power and beauty of creation as it unfolds perfectly within the divine plan. In that moment of awakening we are to plant the most profound seeds...

"The goddess leads us into the spiral dance of life.
She sends forth the winds, the whirling energies
That binds existence in eternal motion.
Through dance, she teaches her children movement and changes." Through guided movement meditation, Qi Gong and belly secrets we will awaken the goddess through the ancient art of belly dancing.

2. The Goddess Wings of Change
Sisters, Goddesses come who ever you are, sit in a sacred space, emerging foundations. Transmit your beautiful roots deep into the source of creation Mother Whipping Willow is sharing her gift of branches, teaching us the wisdom of flexibility, abundance and endless creativity, allows us to weave our dream in to creation as we share them with our sisters. She teaches us courage to speak our truth and surrender to the changes. As we speak, sing, dream we are weaving our dreams into "The goddess wings of change" adding our personal medicines, herbs, stones, feathers...

Elizabeth Lakin CCHH, CCSP, NTS

1. INTENSIVE: Dancing Around Vaccines — Profits, Fears and Facts by a Homeopath, all levels
A lively discussion about the vaccine industry starting from the days of Pasteur to the present. This class will be focusing on parents fears, the risks of vaccination, how to legally choose to not vaccinate or how to go about vaccination in the safest way.

2. Plunging Into the Ocean of Homoepathy
In this class we will plunge deeply into understanding how homoepathy works and understanding the deeper mysteries under the sea of this vast topic. It will be a very interactive class.

Rose Madrone

1. Herb Walk: Stepping into the Green World, all levels
This is no ordinary herb walk, but one where we will take a journey to see deeper into how herbal plants exist in their environments, what roles they have in the community around them, how they interact with each other and with the animal world, and what are some of the deeper insights that we can get about the plant world from them.

2. Herb Walk – Come Meet the Plants on Their Terms, all levels
Learn about the herbs that are growing all around us. Find out what parts of the plants are useful, how to recognize them, and where they can be found by understanding what they need. We will talk about medicinal plant lore, and ethnobotanical uses. You may be surprised to learn what you thought were weeds are actually beneficial plants. Come learn how identify to them and make them part of your everyday life.

3. Mandalas, Medicinal Herbs, and You: Expanding Your Relationship With Medicinal Herbs Through Mandala Creation, all levels
Mandala means "sacred circle" or "completion" in Sanskrit. It represents wholeness. Come to understand your own deep connection with medicinal plants, through the experience of making a beautiful mandala. We are as close in our relationship to the natural world as we wish to be, and this class will help you to see how you can access an even richer relationship with the plants and medicinal herbs in your life.

Megan McElroy

1. String of Songs- Exploring the Relationship Between Drumming and Singing at the Same Time! all levels
In this class we will explore the connection between voice and hands while singing many well known and some new circle songs and drumming! We will also explore harmonies, complementary rhythms, and listening as time allows. Beginners are encouraged to attend.

Miriam Medicine Prayer & Serena Russell

1. INTENSIVE: Empowered Birth: Use of Visualizations, Gentle Herbs and Healing Stones During Pregnancy, all levels
Introduction. Visualization (Calling the ancient soul memories of birth). Teaching four yoga postures to use prenatally: mountain pose, warrior one pose, cat/cow pose, child pose explaining benefit of each. Learn the use of herbs during pregnancy—red raspberry, labor tincture, mama' milk tea. Discussion of safe herbs and harmful herbs, with hand outs of teas to prepare. Use of essential herbs, ones to avoid. Personal meditation on which useful herbs resonate with students personally. Use of healing stones: Crystals, bloodstone, rose quartz and tourmaline. Confronting the myths of birth (a question and answer period).

2. The Myths of Birth: A Process of Moving Through Our Misconceptions, all levels
A process of moving through our misconceptions. Exploring our own birth story. Looking at the impact of the 'epideral society' and how that affects our choices. Looking at the impact of other women's birth stories. Creating a new vision.

Sally Sherriff LAc

1. Moxa Magic all levels
Learn about the magic of Moxa (burning mugwort)
Moxa warms and nourishes our wombs, our children’s tummies and our aching backs. We use moxa for fertility, fibroid and cysts, cramps and regulating our moon cycle, digestive upsets such as: nausea, vomiting, ulcers, constipation and diarrhea, achy joints, back aches, insomnia and increasing our Yang Chi energy.
We will be giving each other treatments and making our own moxa pot to take home.

2. Pediatric Tuina, Part 1 (all levels)
In this class we will learn Pediatric Tuina also known as traditional Chinese Pediatric massage. This massage not only encourages a close bond with our child, but also nurtures their body’s innate healing power.
Pediatric Tui Na is powerful medicine which strengthens and benefits the organs and the immune, digestive, respiratory and lymphatic systems.This ancient, gentle technique treats colds, coughs, earache, allergies, asthma, colic, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fever, indigestion, and stomachache. Tui na activates children’s Chi flow in the same way as acupuncture, but uses gentle massage instead of needles. Specific areas of the body are used with specific strokes. Sign up to have your baby or child get a demonstration treatment.

3. Pediatric Tuina, part 2 all levels
We will continue.

Kara Byrne Sigler

1. Spice Rack Medicine Chest
Kitchen first aid for taking back family health care into the witch’s hands. Come discuss home remedies for everyday ills and herbs that may be disguised as culinary spices in your kitchen. We will discuss treatments for acute home health care as well as tonic herbs to eat daily to prevent illness. Being proactive about your family’s health care is an empowering political act!

2. Herbal Support for Surgery
Do you know someone who needs to have surgery? Scared to go under the knife? Herbs help us heal faster not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Invasive surgical procedures can make us feel out of control. We will discuss tips for talking with your doctor before hand as well as specific herb and drug interactions.

3. Herbs and Hormones 101: PMS, Cramps and the Digestion Connection

Atava Garcia Swiecicki, MA, RH (AHG)

1. Adaptogens: Herbal Allies for Challenging Times, all levels
Adaptogens are herbal allies that help us to adapt to all kinds of stress. We will discuss the properties of this wonderful category of herbs and talk about a few in depth. Plants discussed will include Reishi, Ashwaganda, Rhodiola, and Holy Basil.

2. The Limpia, Energetic Cleansing with Herbs, all levels
The limpia is a traditional cleansing ceremony. The limpia has cultural roots in indigenous Mexico and similar healing ceremonies are practiced by folk healers all around the world. In class we will discuss and learn the basic elements of a simple limpia and have a chance to practice giving limpias to one another.

3. Dreaming with Plants, all levels
Plants often visit in our dreams, sometimes as healing allies and sometimes to convey a message or a prescription. This class will discuss healing dreams and how to interpret and work with them. Please bring your plant dreams to class to share and discuss.

Tatyanna Teeuwisse L.Ac.

1. Healing with Stones, part 1, all levels
The ancients believed stones have the greatest impact and permanence in healing the body due to their age and density. As the bones of the earth, stones resonate with our own essence; our DNA, constitution, temperament, and soul’s curriculum reside in this layer of our being. This class will explore the three classes of stones and how they can be used to treat the three energetic layers of the body.

2. Healing with Stones, part 2
This class will cover techniques for cleansing, re-energizing, and programming stones. We’ll look at specific ways stones can be used in healing: applied on chakras or acupuncture points, worn as jewelry, ground and applied as poultices, held or gazed upon, and taken internally as gemstone elixirs.

3. Treating Shen Disturbance with Essential Oils:
A 5-Element Perspective

In Classical Chinese Medicine the spirit is referred to as Shen. One’s Shen resides in the heart and is considered the sovereign ruler of all other systems. Through the lens of the 5 Elements—water, wood, fire, earth, and metal—we’ll explore ways one’s spirit can become imbalanced and how to work with each aspect using essential oils.

4. Treating Shen Disturbance with Essential Oils
Psychological Disorders
The sensory portals are powerfully engaged through the use of aromatherapy to transcend unharmonious states of mind. In this class we’ll look at some common ailments of the spirit: insomnia, panic attacks, mania, depression.

Bryn Truett-Chavez

1. Herbal Oils for our Beautiful Bodies
Creating herbal oils for our beautiful bodies (violet for breasts, st joan's for sore muscles etc) and their applications, therapeutic and cosmetic.

2. Creating and Using Flower Essences
Students get to learn about flower essences, create and take one home.

3. The Queen's Journey
Moving through and beyond the Mother and into Queen (peri-menopause/ menopause) on the way to becoming a wise Crone. Honoring our moon cycles as we change. Herbs/nutrition/lifestyle techniques for vibrant life journeys all the way through!

Sage Trucano will be subbing for Ms. Beatrice Waight

1. Intensive: Woman’s Wellness and Mayan Massage
Join Ms Beatrice to learn natural ways to heal yourselves from various woman’s health issues including, PMS, menopausal symptoms, fibroids, painful menstruation and how to obtain and maintain uterine health, using herbal baths, herbal steam and teas, plant medicines and Mayan abdominal massage. Mayan massage is a unique tradition of abdominal/uterine massage that helps to realign the uterus and is used to alleviate a numerous range of symptoms such as headaches, backaches, fibroids and painful periods. A discussion of symptoms and treatments will be discussed, as well as a demonstration of the Mayan Massage technique.

2. Mayan Traditional Healing
Mayan used medicinal plants to cure many common ailments and to maintain their family’s health. You will learn traditional methods of healing including herbal remedies (herbal baths, teas, tinctures), faith (prayer), amulets and the burning of copal to prevent and cure both physical and spiritual ailments

Joya Winwood

1. Mothersong
A Multi-Cultural Sing-a-long for Families with Babies

Kristen Younger

1. Blood Mysteries Class: Riding the Red Dragon all levels
Let us honor our moon time, when the veil between the worlds is lifted. Moon blood is our direct connection to the Divine Mother Earth and the Goddess. The Mysteries of our sacred blood is wisdom, intuition and wemoon power. Where are you in relation to your moon cycle? What goes on in your body, mind and spirit in the dance of hormones throughout your cycle? Awaken and harmonize to the connection of your body's natural rhythms. We will learn how to create ritual space, with the aide of our herbal allies, in which to open to the mysteries of our sacred moon time.

2. Adrenal Fatigue, all levels
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Our energy, sex drive, endurance and how well we bounce back all depend on the adrenals functioning properly. Come learn how to nourish the adrenals through diet, nutritional supplementation and herbs to help the body to cope better with stress.

3. Hypoglycemia and The Sugar Blues, all levels
If you skip a meal do you get dizzy, headaches, spacey, cranky, unable to focus? You may have blood sugar imbalance.


High Crone Jill 

1. Loving Life After Menopause
Crones, come share lunch with other Wise Crones. We will discuss loving life after menopause, finding joy, appreciation, and health in our Crone years. We will also discuss our part in the Maiden’s Rites of Passage Ceremony and our own Crone’s Honoring Ritual.

2. The Spirit Side of Being a Crone, part 1
This is time to reflect and share our experiences of Cronehood and our love for our Wise Crone ways and bodies. Past menopause and into memorypause, we will tell our stories. A time to make a ritual Crone Broom will follow.

3. The Spirit Side of Being A Crone, part 2
Crones, come share another lunch with other Wise Crones. We will continue our plans for the Maiden's Rites of Passage and our own Crone's Honoring Ritual.

4. Honoring the Loss of an Unborn Child
Join us for a quiet honoring of the loss of an unborn child through miscarriage or abortion.

Young Women

Terri Jensen


Welcome maidens, to the Circle of Women! Join us in celebrating the beauty and strength of this phase of your life, the time of your bloods. We will explore ideas and feelings, hear stories, make things to care for ourselves and prepare for the Maiden' s Rites of Passage Ceremony to be held Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. Any Maiden who would like to go through the Maiden Ceremony must attend this class.

Joya Winwood

Improvisational Theater for Teens

Maya Karasso

Moon Dance for Maidens


Kem White and Amber Young

1. Costume Magic
Come have a fabulous time creating magical costumes using recycled velvet. We will help you create Neo-Hippy Tribal Gear, so you can get down and funky anytime you want. Those of you who participate in Costume Magic and Plant Spirit Dance will have the opportunity to wear the costumes for the talent show.

2. Plant Spirit Dance
Discover your inner plant spirit. Smile, dance, and sing with the aromatic plants of Black Oak. Become one with the forest.

3. Plant Masquerade
Join us in a masks making extravaganza. Masks can be windows into undiscovered worlds within us. Journey into your inner landscape and discover the plant sprite within.

Joya Winwood

1. Improvisational Theater for Mid-kids

Maya Karasso

1. Yogi Frogi for children, ages 3-6
A journey into the heart of yoga. With Yogi Frogi We fly to India, to the kingdom of “self esteem” where we connect to our imagination, speak and play with animals, develop motor skills, explore the power of breathing and meditation. Yogi Frogi is a magical space where kids allow their spirit to shine and their bodies to get stronger and more flexible. It is a kingdom where every one is unique and perfect. We connect and open our Chakra’s (energy centers) through sound/chanting. All participants leave the kingdom with a deep sense of peace and joy. The class does not require any previous experience.

Morning Movement Classes

Thia Ashanoah

Morning yoga

Willow Lune, CMO

Qi Gong, all levels
Explore the gentle, powerful art of Qigong (Chi Gung). Find empowerment through self-healing with breath, movement, sound, and meditation. Discover techniques to free yourself from tension, keep your body healthy, and sustain tranquility. This class is dedicated to joy, laughter, and healing on your spiritual journey. 

Other Classes

Stargazer Li

1. Stargazing With Li, 1 (all levels)
Come gaze at the stars sparkling in the night sky. Learn to find your way around the sky and identify the spring constellations and brightest stars, and hear the stories associated with them. Li uses a greenlaser pointer to trace the constellations that makes it easy for everyone to see exactly which stars we’re looking at. Bring a blanket or sleeping bag for warmth and comfort.

2. Stargazing With Li, 2 (all levels)
The class repeats.