Greetings Dear Sisters,
Happy New Year!
We hope to see you this year!
Here is what is happening in 2022.
We will not hold a formal spring NCWHS this year.
However, over Memorial Day weekend, May 27-30, we will have a simple camp-out again in Sebastopol, like we did last September. It will be by donation with no one turned away for lack of funds.
Details to follow.
FALL 2022
YES! We will gather in full NCWHS style!
We will hold Two sessions at Black Oak Ranch. Yep two! Hurrah!
Well, that is IF:
1) The bridge construction is completed as planned.
2) No Covid variant prevents us from gathering.
One session will be over Labor Day Weekend, September 2-5.
The other's date is not firmed up just yet.
It will be either the weekend before Labor Day, August 26-29, or the weekend after Labor Day, September 9-12.
We will let you know just as soon as it is confirmed.
Registration will open at noon on February 12, which is the Saturday before Valentine’s Day. WE LOVELOVELOVE YOU!
Covid Safety
Towards the end of the summer we will send out Covid Safety Guidelines based on the formal recommendations at that time. It may include proof of a negative test within 24 hours of arrival, or testing on site before entering camp. It will also include extra sanitation measures, especially for high use areas, and additional hand sanitizing areas.
More to Come
We will be in touch very soon with confirmed dates, registration links, camp-out details and more.