Classes Session 1 • May 19-22, 2023

Click on the + sign to see the class description.  Click on the teacher photo or name to go to her bio page.

You must complete part 1 to participate in part 2, but it's ok to attend just part 1 if desired. 

Calling all Jewish* sisters!  Many years we have informally gathered to celebrate Shabbat.  This year we are announcing in advance that we are creating a special place for us to meet one another,  to talk about connecting our practices (Judaism and Herbalism), to celebrate Shabbat and Havdalah.  Enter the circle outside the Wellness Tent.


Young Women

Mid Kids

Other Classes

Early Morning Classes


Women of Color Rising

Sisters Honoring Sisters at NCWHS

Since 1991,  NCWHS has been creating space to celebrate womanhood through reclaiming women’s sacred wisdom, ritual, and herbal knowledge predominantly in the Western European traditions. From the beginning, NCWHS has included women from many different traditions, although the majority attending have generally been of European heritage. In 2019, we began an open conversation about race led by Holly Calica of Nueva Luna Wellness. And, that work continues. Just as we—as women—have been intentional about creating space for ourselves to come together and heal, in 2023, we came together again to create intentional space for women of color within the Symposium, a safe space within a safe space.

We are excited to continue to deepen our awareness of how we all can best support racial and ethnic diversity and belonging for all members of our community for this year and in the subsequent years to come.

A  deep bow of Gratitude to Aya de Leon, Shereel Washington, Naomi Stein, and Susannah Mackintosh for creating and leading us in this effort.

In our efforts to be more welcoming to women from diverse cultural backgrounds we will do the following.

Session 2 & 3

Have Courageous Conversations around Race, Ethnicity, and Belonging at NCWHS during our Open Forum to which all are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Have classes that are culturally specific and led by Women of Color

Support Women of Color gathering in supportive spaces on the grounds as a way to network and provide support to other Women of Color that are attending

All Sessions

We will hold a class geared for white women titled: Hey White People Let’s Talk About Race.