
Join The RTF Crew (Random Task Force)
A fun way to participate in Symposium is to become part of the inner workings of the event. Do you like to work and play hard? Then we have the position for you! Be on the RTF Crew, the Random Task Force of Really Tough Females who hold down the inner workings of each session.
There are three RTF Positions
1.  Work exchange, work 12 hours before & during a session, reducing your registration fee to $150. Work exchange application is required (to find the application see work exchange under Registration in the Main Menu at the top)
2. Full Trade, full commitment, no money exchange (you don't pay, we don't pay)
3. Full Time Paid, full commitment, work before, during, & after session
If you are interested contact Kelly at Thrivekelly@gmail.com.




Be A Contact Woman
Help get the word out to the herbal community in your area.
Hang flyers, distribute small leaflets, make fun and interesting postings and videos to online groups.
Do any creative thing you can come up with to get the word out to those who might be interested in joining us.

This is a work exchange position, reducing the registration fee for attendance to $150 (though there could also be Full Trade possibilities).
If you are interested contact Terri at NCWHS@womensherbalsymposium.org.



Become a Sponsor
Become one of our Sponsors and get the word out about your business to the NCWHS community while helping to support NCWHS to thrive. 🙂
For the first time in 34 years NCWHS is accepting sponsorships.
If you are interested see 'Become A Sponsor' in the Main Menu at the top for all the details.



Be On The Staff
Join the Team!  Work with us to make it all happen. Some positions are full trade and some are paid, depending on hours worked and skills required.
Positions are in:
RTF Crew
If you are interested contact Terri at NCWHS@womensherbalsymposium.org to see what is currently available.