Rachel works alternately as an eco-somatic therapist, writer, teacher, permaculture designer, activist and mother. She and her family live and work on Hidden Waters, a small homestead in Petaluma, CA. She has spent the last twenty-five years working with individuals and groups of people evolving strategies for personal and cultural regeneration, first as a community artist/activist, and now in her land and body-based repair work. She is a co-founder of the 13 Moon Colab, a women’s permaculture teaching collaborative. She co-authored Urban Homesteading: Heirloom Skills for Sustainable Living (with K. Ruby Blume), and Making Dances that Matter: Resources for Community Creativity, with dance artist Anna Halprin.
Find Rachel here:
urbanhomesteading.org, RachelKaplanMFT.net and 13mooncollaborative.com.
2017 Session 1
- Applied Permaculture - Forest Garden Design Charrette
Session 1 Teachers