Beth Riedel

Beth, a nutritional counselor, gardener and flower essence practitioner, has been a teaching and consulting herbalist for over 35 years. She was a co-founder and previous president of the Sonoma County Herb Association. For ten years, Beth directed and ran our Wellness Center here at the Women's Herbal Symposium. She lives in Willits and loves wandering amongst her elders, the plant.

 2024 Session 1,  2 & 3

  1. Plant Walk
  2. A Plant Community Expedition

2023 Session 1,  2 & 3

  1. Plant Walk
  2. A Plant Community Expedition

2022 Session 1 & 2

  1. Herb Walk offered twice

2018 Session 1

  1. Plant Greetings To You

2017 Session 1

  1. Plant Greetings To You
  2. The Endocrine System - Our Body's Symphony
  3. Eye Health - Eye Wealth

2016 Session 1

  1. Herb Walk led by the Local Plants, Facilitated by Beth Riedel, beginning/intermediate
  2. Habitat Exploring, beginning/intermediate

2015 Session 2

  1. INTENSIVE: Flower Essence Class beg/inter
  2. The Endocrine System for herbalists, part 1
  3. The Endocrine System for herbalists, part 2

2013 Session 1

  1. An Herb Walk To Begin The Symposium, Led by the Local Plants
  2. Habitat Exploring

2011 Session 1

  1. Herb Walk led by the Local Plants, Facilitated by Beth Riedel
  2. Habitat Exploring

2010 Session 3

  1. Herbal Community Tour, An Herb Walk, 1
  2. Herbal Community Tour, An Herb Walk, 2