Day 1, Thursday, August 18 – 12 miles
Having practiced the art of highway backpacking by walking up and down Hwy 1 for a few days, I have sensibly decided on a longer, slower route to the reconverging Symposium. To all of our surprise, that meant departing from Terri’s house today. It creeps up fast every time.
There was a wonderful send-off party with the first peaches of the year and a hat from Terri which I recognized the necessity for right away (thank you, thank you).
I was gratefully joined by Kate for the first 4 miles. With a world on my mind she was able to bring me back to the beauty of the moment over and over.
Aurora, who will be joining the walk in Mendocino, had suggested choosing an animal every day—locals who frequent our roadways—to connect with, and meditate on.
Shortly into our walk, Kate and I happened upon coyote (we think) long dead. Day one is dedicated to them.