Day 15 & Invitation to walk the home stretch, TOMORROW (9/2)
Rested, fed, bathed and showered with many other gifts of kindness, I contemplate adopting this as a life way. It sure seems to bring out the best in people–myself included.
I have unfathomable gratitude for the Symposium women—organizers, founders, staff and participants, family, friends and random encounters who have become friends. It is mostly appreciation that inspired me to take on the challenge of this walk—a means of giving back. But once again I find myself in a place of unspeakable awe and humility for all the support that has carried me here, leaving me in a perpetual, cyclical state of gratitude. It’s a good place to be. I think I’ll stay here.
Please, if you are able, join us for the final walk into Black Oak Ranch, tomorrow morning, Friday, September 2, beginning at 8 am in the Geiger’s parking lot. Join for any part of it if you can’t do the whole thing! Or, set up a rest a rest and refreshment station along the way if you feel inclined.
Dress up! Have fun! We’re back—live and in person!
Remember water, a hat, and prepare for warm temperatures!