April comes to us from Visalia, California just outside of the Giant Sequoia National Monument.  April is a wife & Mother of two young children who maintains a toxicant free home.   In making a major lifestyle change for the health of her daughter April was taken down a path that lead to the California School of Herbal Studies where her path was brought into clear focus.

April has been studying Traditional and Humoral Western Herbalism for 5 years and is passionate about stewardship as well as preserving & honoring herbal tradition.   She shares her expertise with her community by way of her brick and mortar Organic Apothecary & Communitique in historic Down Town Visalia.  April is so proud to have brought a little bit of the Sisterhood we share at Symposium into her shoppe by way of the Women’s Circle that meets there once a week to honor the Divine Feminine thru meditation, song and sisterhood.

2019 Session 3

  1. Essential Oil Safety In use / Distillation Workshop ~ all levels
  2. Introduction to Herbal Medicine Making in 2 parts ~ beginning/intermediate
  3. Labeling Law ~ all levels

2018 Session 3

1. Essential Oil Safety In use / Distillation Workshop
2. & 3. Introduction to Herbal Medicine Making in 2 parts
4. Labeling Law


2017 Session 3

1. & 2. Introduction to Herbal Medicine Making, Parts 1 & 2