Arianna Hunter

Arianna Hunter headshotArianna is an Earth-loving daughter, sister, and woman who is in the process of unraveling the programming she has accumulated over the course of this lifetime to come home to herself and her body.

She is passionate about gardening, herbalism, singing, health and wellness, embodiment, and personal sovereignty as it relates to all aspects of life.

Part of her work in the world is learning how to cultivate healthy balance, bridge gaps, and connect dots. She views Life itself as an ever-unfolding ceremony and is learning to embrace the magic in the mundane. In this way, learning the craft of woven hand brooms has been deeply impactful for her.

Not only is the act of creation vital to the human spirit, it is also a meditation. She is excited to share this simple practice and weave beauty together with her sisters at Symposium!

2024 Session 2

2023 Session 3

  1. Woven Hand Brooms, part 1  limited to 15   all levels
  2. Woven Hand Brooms, part 2  all levels